ebook: Plyometrics Fitness Adrenaline: Jump Your Way to a Slimmer and Fitter Body

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ebook: Plyometrics Fitness Adrenaline: Jump Your Way to a Slimmer and Fitter Body

Original price was: $4.99.Current price is: $2.99.

A fitness guide explaining how to enhance physical fitness via jump training.


Surely, you know what adrenaline is. It’s a hormone that provides you
a boost in energy when you are confronted with a situation that needs
vigorous physical action like when you brace yourself for a fight or

The energy produced in situations such as these are often greater
than normal times.

Plyometrics on other hand is known as jump training, which means
that the whole fitness program is based on jumping exercises that
induce your body to secrete just the right amount of adrenaline.

eBook author: Noah Daniels
eBook length: 34 pages
eBook format: .pdf


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