2010’s N.B.A. Players Comparison Trivia/Quizzes

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Sports F.Y.I. Compendium 2010’s National Basketball Association Players Comparison Trivia/Quizzes

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#1. Which of the following 2010’s N.B.A. players was awarded the 2013 N.B.A. Rookie of the Year Award?

#2. Which of the following 2010’s N.B.A. players was awarded a 2015 N.B.A. Eastern Conference All-Star team selection?

Select all that apply:

#3. Which of the following 2010’s N.B.A. guards/forwards averaged more points during the 2016-17 N.B.A. regular season?

#4. Which of the following 2010’s N.B.A. point guards averaged more assists during the 2013-14 N.B.A. regular season?

#5. Which of the following 2010’s N.B.A. forwards/centers averaged more rebounds during the 2018-19 N.B.A. regular season?

#6. Which of the following 2010’s N.B.A. forwards/centers averaged more blocks during the 2015-16 N.B.A. regular season?


Sources: E.S.P.N.–https://www.espn.com, N.B.A.–https://www.nba.com, N.C.A.A.–https://www.ncaa.com, Wikipedia–https://www.en.wikipedia.org, YouTube–https://www.youtube.com


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