Sports F.Y.I. Compendium 1990’s M.L.B. California Angels Players – Darin Erstad 91 Trivia/Quizzes


Feb 1, 2023

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Sports F.Y.I. Compendium 1990’s M.L.B. California Angels Players – Darin Erstad 91 Trivia/Quizzes

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Darin Erstad M.L.B. California Angels


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#1. Former California Angels center fielder Darin Erstad set an M.L.B. record for the fastest player to tally 200 hits in a season with 200 hits in the first 132 games during which M.L.B. season?


Sources: U.S.A. Today Sports–, Wikipedia–, E.S.P.N.–, M.L.B.–, National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum–


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