ebook: The Mediterranean Diet Meltdown: Melt The Fat Away With The Mediterranean Diet

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ebook: The Mediterranean Diet Meltdown: Melt The Fat Away With The Mediterranean Diet

Original price was: $3.99.Current price is: $1.99.

A weight loss guide explaining dieting with a Mediterranean diet and its health benefits.


The Mediterranean Diet Is a Lifestyle

Acting on it requires making a change. This change,
however, is not finding another fad diet because they can
only compound the problems. Instead, it requires making
life style changes in the foods that people eat on a daily

This is one of the major benefits to the Mediterranean Life
style approach. With a growing body of evidence from the
medical world (i.e. Harvard School of Public Health,
Dariush Mozaffarian MD. DrPH. and others in the medical
community), this diet is known for its numerous health
benefits. From helping to prevent diabetes to the
protection of cardiovascular diseases, this is a life style
change that can help people remain healthy even when
they are out socializing with peers and colleagues.

eBook length: 39 pages
eBook format: .pdf


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