ebook: The Lifestyle Diet Makeover: The Proven Plan To Lose 15 Pounds In 30 Days

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ebook: The Lifestyle Diet Makeover: The Proven Plan To Lose 15 Pounds In 30 Days

Original price was: $3.99.Current price is: $1.99.

A weight loss guide explaining dieting with a 30-day diet and lifestyle diet makeover.


People struggle with losing weight. Sure, there are tons of reasons for this –
convenience of unhealthy food, peer pressure, lack of focus, lack of dedication,
lack of motivation, lack of knowledge concerning proper nutrition…
The list goes on.
You likely know several people that want to lose weight right now, or that have
tried in the past. Maybe they DID lose weight, but most people that DO lose
weight end up gaining most (if not all) of it back within a year.

Author: Noah Daniels
eBook length: 31 pages
eBook format: .pdf


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