Jurgen Klinsmann Germany soccer
Former German national soccer team player Jurgen Klinsmann
German Football Association logo
Bundesliga F.C. Bayern München logo

Göppingen, West Germany native Jürgen Klinsmann scored 47 goals in 108 appearances with the German national soccer team (DieMannschaft), scored 232 goals in 514 appearances at club level, is one of five players to be named as honorary captain of Germany and is included on the F.I.F.A. 100 list of the “125 Greatest Living Footballers”. (as of September 2021)

Published on: September 15, 2021

Sources: Wikipedia–https://www.en.wikipedia.org, E.S.P.N.–https://www.espn.com, German Football Association official website–https://www.dfb.de/en/en-start, Bundesliga official website–https://www.bundesliga.com/en/bundesliga, YouTube–https://www.youtube.com


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